our bios

Roman : Director , theologian, demonologist & spiritual warfare specialist

This is Roman, he's the founder and director of Spectral Intelligence Solutions. Besides having encounters with the paranormal since childhood, he has studied various martial arts for over twenty-five years, and holds a Godan [5th degree] ranking "Shidoshi" in BujinkanBudo Taijutsu. He served as a law enforcement officer for seven years in Northern California. He's been a researcher and investigator in Demonology , theology and the supernatural for the past fifteen years. He brings considerable firsthand knowledge and experience to our work.



Rebecca: Occult specialist

Rebecca began researching/became obsessed with the paranormal around the age of ten. She began interviewing anyone she came in contact with about their experiences, wanting to know every tiny detail, no matter how miniscule. Rebecca was raised as a member of [Jehovah's Witness's].  After leaving Jehovah's Witness's She spent the next twenty years researching & practicing Aleister Crowley's Thelema, magical herbalism, WiccaSanteríaHaitian Vodou, Hoodoo, ashtanga yoga and lengthy meditative training to attain out of body experiences. She also specialized in sigil and blood magick.  After two decades of exclusively practicing these tenets she was left feeling empty and at a loss.  She was sick of the unpredictable, chaotic and often disappointing results of these belief systems and the over all effect they had on her life. She never found a sense of fulfillment or protection living by those creeds. After that long journey she came to know the truth of God, and is now a faithful follower of 'the Way' & Jesus Christ.




Is an adept at energy work, studies psychology, and comes from a background of Zen and Sufism.



Is our super tech savvy crackerjack pc m@st0r!!!